高清電視1920 X 1080

2006-11-27 12:06 am
高清電視(1920 X 1080)...會唔有32" 電視機 ?

回答 (4)

2006-11-27 7:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
暫時係無既,將來都未必有,唔係做唔到,有d電腦mon都超過左e個解像度架喇,但係有無需要係一個問題,32吋本身畫面唔係話咁大,有無需要去到咁高解像度呢?同埋細屏太高解像度又會影響到光亮度喎,所以相信full HD panel暫時都係無期既。
參考: 多年影音從業經驗
2006-11-27 1:40 am
1920 x 1080 lines for 32 inches is very high. Each dot is very small. The visual difference you can see between 1920 x 1080 and 1366 x 768 is very small for this size of panel. Although there are smaller computer used LCD panel which can produce this resolution, there are still no LCD TV manufacturer making 1920 x 1080 panel for 32 inches LCD TVs.
2006-11-27 12:11 am
達到Full HD(1920X1080)解像度的LCD最細呎吋係37吋

2006-11-27 12:09 am
參考: Me

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