What is the chinese meaning ...? /(10)

2006-11-26 9:26 pm
"And in my opinion,its shape that counts and I am therefore the best raindrop in the whole sky."

"Let us settle this matter once and for all.'

"You may be a big raindrop,and you are certainly well shaped,but as everybody knows,it's purity that really counts,and I am purper thasn either of you."

(What is the chinese meaning of each of the sentences)

"You may be a big raindrop,and you are certainly well shaped,but as everybody knows,it's purity that really counts,and I am purper thsen either of you." "thsen"(wrong) - change it to "than"(right)

回答 (2)

2006-11-26 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
- 我個人認為, 形狀很重要, 所以我是整個天空上最棒的雨點.
- 讓我們就這事件來個了斷, 不要藕斷絲連了.
- 也許你是一顆大雨點, 你亦的確擁有很好的形狀, 但眾所周知, 其實純度比什麼也重要, 而我則比你倆更清純.

2006-11-26 9:34 pm
1."而且依我之見,計算的它的形狀和我因此是整個的天空的最好的雨滴. "
3."你可能是一點大的雨滴,而且你很好地無疑地被成形,但是當每個人都知道,它是真的計算的純淨,而且我是 purper thasn 你之中任何一個. "

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