econ----------function of money

2006-11-26 4:24 pm
我唔係好明function of money
1. medium of exchange
2. store of value
3. units of account
4. standard of deferred patment

唔該解釋下以上ge function

回答 (2)

2006-11-27 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. medium (媒介) of exchange (交易) - 交易媒介

2. store (儲存) of value (價值) - 價值的儲存

3. units (單位) of account (計算) - 計算的單位

4. standard (標準) of deferred (延期) payment (付出) - 延期付出的標準
2006-11-27 11:03 pm
1. Medium of exchange - 交易媒介
It is because all people must accept money. Moeny can act as a medium for exchange goods and services when you consume. 試想一想, 你會否拿一桶石油去換一餐飯 ? Money就可以成為大家都接受的交易媒介

2. Store of Value - 儲存價值
Money can be stored for later / further use. Goods / Services will be expired / fragiled. 你可以儲起錢, 但不可以儲起一些食物/服務

3. Units of account - 交易單位
Money can be easily divided into units. Eg. 1 dollars, 2 dollars, 10 cents....
But much goods / services cannot be easily divided / classified. Eg. 交換10隻牛, 是大的, 還是小的?

4. Standard of Deferred payment - 延期付款
Actually, in University, this is not a function of money. But in F.5 exam, it is a function too.
All people accept money to be settled for any deferred payment.

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