
2006-11-26 10:21 am
1.what makes a Good Teacher
2.The Internet Will isolate Us from one Another or The Internet Will Not isolate Us from one Another

回答 (2)

2006-12-01 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
what makes a Good Teacher

It is very difficult to define a good teacher. Some may think that they must be kind, tender and liberal. Some may think that they must have a very good teaching skill and have a depth understanding of the subjects he/she teaches. For me, however, I think that they must be levelheaded and have a rock-solid knowledge of the particular subjects they teach. Apart form these, they must know which part of the syllabus
is the most difficult part so that they can help us to deal with such a part.

A good teacher should have a good communication skill. They can express their idea clearly during the lesson. If they are teaching the public examinations class such as HKCEE and HKALE, they know how marks are awarded and how to answer the public examination questions correctly and precisely. They will give their beloved students marking schemes for revision which play an important role in the examinations. Besides the teacher should not just read the text book aloud in lieu of explaining to their students what the texts are taking about.

A good teacher should not easily nag at some students or side with a particular one due to his/her personal interest. They must be just when they deal with squabble and conflicts. However, they must be patient enough to listen to their students when students encounter acedemic problems. Since I think that teachers may be a good listener so that their students can confide anything including intimate secret to them.

Finally a good teacher should not always drool over girls in the classroom. They must be engrossed in their teaching. They must be the one who can be confided in.
2006-11-26 11:38 am
What do you mean?
and how many words does it have to be?

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