wood, wooden, woodland, wooded, woodman, woodwork, woofer, wool, woolen, woolly, bamboo, boom, boon, boor, boost, boot, Bootes, booth, booty, boozy, roof, roost, root, rooted, rook, proof, moo, mood, moody, moon, moony, moose, moot, moor, moorings, noodle, noose, noon, nook, poor, poorly, poodle, pooh, pool, poop, soon, sooner, soot, sooth, sooty, shoot, sloop, snooze, snoop, snooker, spoon, spoor, spook, spool, stood, loose, tool, took, toot, tooth, zoo, zoological, zoologist, zoology, zoom, hoop, hoot, hoove, good, goody, goose, fool, food, foolish, foot, football, footing, doom, door, doorgate, door-keeper, cool, coon, cooper, cooperate, cooperation, coorperative, coordinate, coordination, cook, coot, coopt.......
(*Remeber: please consider the matters of Vowels & Consonants)