
2006-11-26 8:54 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-26 12:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你想行街買嘢! 最好唔好揀聖誕節, 除咗酒吧及夜店, 成個英國都好似死城,

香港人唔會慣, 若你有好多朋友係倫敦, 大多都係喺屋企開party, 無就慘啦! 日日

浦酒吧咩! 仲要完全無共公交通, 你去得邊? 總之同香港相反, 英國人聖誕會在家

焗火雞, 食嘢多! 好小四圍去, 聖誕係佢地享受家庭, 所以你若真的要去倫敦自由

行, 可能會逗留在酒店玩吓食吓咁啦! 去倫敦睇你坐乜嘢機? 直航機程十一至十二

個鐘, 轉機就成十七至十八個鐘, 仲要睇你轉去邊度喎! 當然最好坐直航機.
2006-11-26 9:26 am
from HK to London, by direct flight...aournd 12 hrs flight time! from 24Dec afternoon, until 26Dec, most of the shops will closed, even though the resturant also will closed!!! and on 25 and 26Dec, there will be NO public transport available, all the bus, rail, tube will all closed! So if you will rent a car by yourself, and won't go shopping, then it is still possible to go on that day, if not, you are better to leave HK on 26Dec or back to HK on 25Dec~

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