about the commercial invoice in LC

2006-11-26 8:11 am
Who should sign the commerical invoice that in triplicate?

回答 (3)

2006-11-26 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When you submit all the shipping documents under L/C via bank, those signatures should be authorized persons that had authorization to sign for that bank account. Commerical invoices should be signed by those authorized persons.

2006-11-28 22:25:22 補充:
2006-11-28 5:04 pm
Agree with N. Seeker that BENEFICIARY who is authorized to be represent on behalf of the company (supplier) should signe the invoice.

But please note that commerical invoice is not necessary to be in triplicate (L/C can call for 6 copies)

Also, REMEBER TO CHOP A "ORIGINAL" ON THE COMMERICAL INVOICE. Otherwise it may create discrepancies.
參考: personal experience
2006-11-27 4:52 am
I advise you to ask from your bank. they will give you a correct answer because documents under LC will not be only Invoice. there should be a draft, covering Letter, Packing List/certificate of Origin (optional, give only if LC asked for). and Bill of Lading. It will be safe if complete documents signed by a person who is authorised to sign for the company and with a specimen signature held with your bank then no need to ask.

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