
2006-11-26 8:08 am

回答 (5)

2006-11-27 9:18 pm
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貓貓唔好食咁多罐頭, 因罐頭有好多味精, 對貓貓無益, 而且濕糧容易引起牙垢, 牙石同牙周病。如耐唔耐食餐氹吓佢開心既, 我會建議三才(95g)啫哩版, 另有(85g)有肉汁版, 長毛貓食啫哩版會無咁污糟, 唔會搞到d毛一pat pat。 最唔好係成pat醬果種, 如hills、偉加, d糧好似d鵝肝醬咁油淋淋, 其實貓貓亦唔多鐘意食。香港天氣悶熱潮濕, 特別係霉雨天, 濕糧好易變壞, 如果貓貓食野係鐘意慢慢炭既, 就好易會食物中毒ka。
只要貓貓健康就算瘦小小都唔係大問題, 不應為令佢看起來較可愛而谷肥貓貓, 危害佢的健康。 貓bb肌肉不及成貓發達, 亦會令人錯覺看起來較瘦, 再加上貓貓絶育後會變肥, 佢地又好食懶非, 到時要減就艱難la。
2015-09-17 5:27 am
2006-11-29 1:16 am
濕糧對貓仔唔係幾好,好似其他人咁講,或者會引起牙的問題,到時仲麻煩~以前睇貓醫生時佢話食乾糧對貓貓的牙比較好~如果你的貓是瘦的,我諗係你揀的糧出了問題喇~你應該揀令佢健康的糧,我隻貓由2個幾月開始食Royal Canin食到e+8個幾月,d毛好滑架,同埋都好健康(上次打針時e生話的),同埋e生都係e生推介的,除開一日都唔過$5左右,其實都唔係貴,果d超市買到的,其實會令貓貓上癮架(我覺得),果d牌子都係買零食,得閒俾d佢食啦
2006-11-26 9:48 pm
1) Natural Balance Ultra Formula
Like the other foods chosen here, Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance contains no by-products. The top named ingredients are Chicken, Chicken Broth, Chicken Liver, Duck, Salmon, Carrots, Brown Rice Flour, and Fish Meal.
2) Nutro Natural Chicken Casserole
My cats have eaten Nutro foods from the first, and Nutro remains a consistent favorite. Top listed ingredients: Chicken Broth, Chicken, Chicken Giblets, Chicken Liver, Lamb Liver, Mackerel and Rice. Gluten. Guaranteed analysis (converted to dry matter): protein 45%, fat 22.7%, fiber 4.55%.
3) Drs. Foster & Smith Chicken Formula
This product rounds off my own personal rotation of canned cat foods. My test cats love the flavor, and I love the aroma, consistency, and quality control.
4) Halo's Spots Stew for Cats - Original
Spots Stew contains no chemicals, fillers, or by-products. Named ingredients are Chicken, Zucchini, Yellow Squash, Celery, Chicken Liver, Carrots, Green Beans, Water, Green Peas, Turkey. One of the original "homemade" cat foods, and still a favorite of many cats.
5) Wellness Chicken Canned Cat Food
Wellness presents an enigma to cat owners who appreciate the quality of the food. Some cats love it and will dive right in, while others turn their noses up at it every time. It's on the high end of the price range, so I'd suggest buying a can or two, before investing in a whole case. Top ingredients: deboned Chicken, Chicken Liver, Turkey, Chicken Broth, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, and Vegetable Gums. Guaranteed analysis (converted): Protein 45.45%, fat 27.27%, fiber 4.55%
6) Newman's Own Chicken and Brown Rice
Paul Newman's signature cat foods use Bell & Evans Chicken. These chickens are fed a 100% natural all-vegetable diet with NO antibiotics. The named grains are also grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizer. First named ingredients: Organic Chicken, Sufficient Water for Processing, Ocean Whitefish, Brown Rice, Flaxseed, Oat Bran, Guar Gum, Dried Kelp. Although pricer than most other premium foods, Newman's Own is well worth rotating in your cat's diet.
7) Evolve Natural Canned Chicken Formula
The food smells absolutely wonderful, and is a nice, juicy paté. They loved it when I first introduced it to them, but recently have been spurning it - a shame, because its ingredients are excellent, and the price is very reasonable. Top named ingredients: Chicken, Chicken Broth, Chicken Liver, Turkey, Ocean Fish, Brown Rice, Carrots, Cranberries, Cottage Cheese, and Peas. Guaranteed analysis: Crude protein 45.5%, crude fat 27.27%, fiber 6.82%
8) Innova Canned Cat Food
Innova, made by Natura Pet Products, has to score high on any list of cat foods. The canned variety is no exception. Top ingredients: Turkey, Chicken, Spring Water, Whole Eggs, Ground Brown Rice, Chicken Fat, Potatoes, and Herring. Guaranteed analysis (converted): protein 44.48%, fat 30.82%, fiber 5.74%. Note: Innova may be hard to find in the major pet food stores, but generally can be found in smaller stores or feed and grain stores.
9) Merrick Cat Food
Merrick Cat Food is considered to be "gourmet" food, and can be obtained in several different flavor combinations. As an example, the Merrick Southern Delight flavor contains Chicken, Chicken Broth, Catfish, Crawfish, Brown Rice, Fresh Carrots, Fresh Zucchini, Fresh Granny Smith Apples, Olive Oil, and other wholesome ingredients. The link offers a variety of eight different flavors in 3.2 oz cans; good for a quick trial.
10) Wysong Chicken Au Jus
This food, which contains only Chicken, Chicken Liver, Chicken Heart, and Water Sufficient for Processing should not be used as an every-day diet for cats.However, for cats with high-protein needs, or cats with allergy problems, it is an excellent limited-ingredient diet for stabilizing a cat's digestive tract.
2006-11-26 10:51 am
所有罐頭都唔好~~~係濕糧, 唔可以多食, 只可以有時獎勵佢, 仲要之後幫佢刷牙, 擔心將來有牙石就麻煩.

順其自然, 肥唔一定好, 若果痴肥多病痛. 佢只得6個月大要少食多餐, 就算一路放長糧俾佢都冇問題, 貓知飽餓識得分幾餐食, 放心.

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