What does it mean when freckles-like spots suddenly appear all over my body?

2006-11-26 7:18 am
To top it off, I was squatting down once and upon standing up, there was this huge patch of skin that had turned blue with many purple-black small spots on it. That area was slightly swelling too but no pain. The patch did not decolourise much upon gradual massaging. I'm pretty worried.

回答 (3)

2006-11-26 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
For the patch of skin that was blue, sounds like poor circulation. That part was not getting circulated with blood and when you stood up and massaged it blood was getting back to that area.
2006-11-26 3:25 pm
the freckles can be cause by too much exposure to heat
2006-11-26 3:19 pm
Skin problems

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