strengths and shortcomings of academic knowledge and practitioner knowledge.?

2006-11-26 5:30 am
Can any one help me in finding solution to following :

strengths and shortcomings of academic knowledge and practitioner knowledge.

A brief note will be appriciated

回答 (2)

2006-11-26 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Academic Knowledge:
Strength: Good source of knowledge for refering again and again to refine the stdies
Shortcoming: Practical things cannot be expressed in detail.

Practioner knowledge:
Strength : Can demonstrate or illustrate as a drama which will be catched in the mind spontaneously
Shortcoming:Depends on the experience of the person demonstrating.
參考: Self Knowledge
2006-11-26 5:40 am
Academic Knowledge vs. Experiential Knowledge has long been a conundrum in Education. Students need experience or practical knowledge in a subject in order to internalize the academic knowledge. (the how) You need the academic knowledge to know the history and theory ( the why) . If you know how without knowing why you are a technician and when new theory arises you are less likely to be able to apply your knowledge and adapt it, synthesize it into the new. If you know why but never know how your knowledge is based only on others experience and you have never personally applied it so you will have trouble teaching others or being seen as credible.

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