OK come clean,..Do you...?

2006-11-26 1:03 am
watch you weight, or does your weight watch you..
I'm a little of both...but most of the time i'm aware of

回答 (31)

2006-11-26 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
i watch mine but with the holidays coming up it will probably watch me
2006-11-26 1:06 am
I watch my weight watching me back. At 304 lbs and 5'11", I am pretty big. However, I can still bench 380 and run 3 miles. My goal is to be back down to 200 lbs and into a size 34 pants.
2006-11-26 1:06 am
weight watches me mostly
2006-11-26 1:06 am
ugh are you kidding? that Q made me gain a pound.....
2006-11-26 1:05 am
2006-11-26 1:05 am
I have to watch my weight. However, my weight mocks me.
2006-11-26 1:04 am
watch my weight
2006-11-26 9:41 am
I like food...
2006-11-26 6:04 am
No,never.I have a fast metabolism.
2006-11-26 3:03 am
I eat everything in moderation.
2006-11-26 2:58 am
A little of both but for the most part I watch it
2006-11-26 2:11 am
Im like you..a little of both,,but leaning toward watching it at the moment. Put on a few pounds in one weekend and am having big trouble getting it off..Isnt it remarkable, how it goes on so quick and takes ages and a lot of work to get it off again.
2006-11-26 1:11 am
2006-11-26 1:10 am
It's about time to hit the scale again and take a look. See how I've been doing lately.
2006-11-26 1:10 am
yep watch it grow and also leave
2006-11-26 1:10 am
My Weight Watches Me Even Thought I Want to Try to Lose Weight
2006-11-26 1:10 am
neither, I never worry abt my weight. If you go walking at least two miles a day, then you can lose quite some weight and keep healthy!
2006-11-26 1:10 am
2006-11-26 1:08 am
It watches me until I my clothes start feeling tight then I'm watching it like a hawk.
2006-11-26 1:07 am
watch my weight...
2006-11-26 1:07 am
2006-11-26 1:07 am
I am 13 and i weigh 74 pounds i don't watch my weight
2006-11-26 1:06 am
2006-11-26 1:06 am
part of my job it to be in shape and healthy.
so if I wont my pay check I'm gonna stay buff.
2006-11-26 1:06 am
I try to watch my wieght, but then my weight watches me more than often enough.
I mean my BMI is good, but personally speaking, I'd be better off having skinnier arms andless on the waist...

I eman I'm the kind of person who is falt stomached..eats a small cookie and then my stomach is like bloated and then sooner or later I forgeet about my weight becausew food is a miracle.
So I don't really think I watch my weight enough.
2006-11-26 1:06 am
weight watches me
2006-11-26 1:05 am
iam always aware of it but i think the older i get the more i just say screw it and enjoy myself, but i do try to stay in shape
2006-11-26 1:05 am
Like you, I'm a little of both. Now I'm paying for it with the trip to the gym 5 mornings a week...now we're heading into Christmas, which is both a good time of year (great food and parties) and a bad time ( have to lose the weight you gained after you just lost it...a vicious circle)
2006-11-26 1:04 am
2006-11-26 1:07 am
You know for the last 10 years I have been trying to gain. I still watch it. To make sure I'm not getting to small....SO yeah I watch mine
2006-11-26 1:05 am
I "try" to watch my weight, but I don't seem to be doing a good job... lolz.. But yeahz,

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