about maths....

2006-11-26 7:42 am

(1) 等腰三角形底角相等in english係咩?

(2) 等邊三角形三隻角相等in english?

(3) 三角形外角和in english?

(4)三角形內角和in englsih?


回答 (2)

2006-11-26 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) base angles , isosceles triangle
2) angle of equilateral triangle
3) sum of exterior angles of triangle
4) sum of interior angles of triangle
呢個係長寫黎 ga ....
2006-11-30 2:12 am
1.base angles , isosceles triangle
2.properties of equilateral triangle
3.exterior angles of triangle
4. angle sum of triangle

2006-11-30 17:28:36 補充:
this is the right reference if you are doing the maths..

2006-11-30 17:30:37 補充:
i sure that...
參考: me

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