中文翻譯英文 --- 幫幫手 20分!

2006-11-26 6:04 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-26 6:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
I choose many ways to be possible to be helpful a new product birth to take the title, is because the present has very many things not to be able to satisfy the customer to need to innovate unceasingly with the society, if does not have the new product, the society has not progressed. At the same time, the new product may take the customer the convenience, thus attracts them to purchase.
Finally, as soon as was I subscribes this topic goal is the present somewhat new product promotes already is defeated. Therefore, makes me to associate a matter, is when I make marketing department manager, how can I be possible to promote a product in the market condition sale, thus makes this new product to sell very much successfully. If I had this topic, will become marketing department manager this to be possible in the future to discover the successful method to have any reason
2006-11-26 6:07 am
The choice has very many ways to be allowed to be helpful a newproduct birth to take the title, is because the present has very manythings not to be able to satisfy the customer to need unceasingly toinnovate with the society, if does not have the new product, thesociety has not progressed. At the same time, the new product maytake the customer the convenience, thus attracts them to purchase.

Finally, was I subscribes this topic goal is present some new productsas soon as promotes already is defeated. Therefore, makes me toassociate a matter, is when I make market department manager, how willI prefer to promote by a product in the market condition sale, thuswill make this new product to sell very much successfully. If I hadthis topic, will become market department manager this to be allowedin the future to discover the successful method to have any reason.


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