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Description: This is a fake- yet highly believable- JavaScript counter script. The script DOES actually increment the visitor count, though it does so based on a fixed algorithm involving the current date, not the actual number of visitors. The result is a counter that is always increasing, unlike most other JavaScript counters that simply generate a random number to display. Use it to add a fun, inflatable, and most importantly, believable counter display to your site!
Example: You are visitor # 6374787 to my site!
Note: Revisit this page a little later (ie: after 1 minute), and you'll notice the number has increased. This is the case for as long as time exists.
Directions: Simply cut and paste everything inside and paste it where you wish the counter to appear:
Counter script
By JavaScript Kit (
http://javascriptkit .com)
Over 400+ free scripts here!
Above notice MUST stay entact for use
function fakecounter(){
//decrease/increase counter value (depending on perceived popularity of your site!)
var decrease_increase=-5 0000
var counterdate=new Date()
var currenthits=counterd ate.getTime().toStri ng()
currenthits=parseInt (currenthits.substri ng(2,currenthits.len gth-4))+decrease_inc rease
document.write(" ;You are visitor # <b>"+curr enthits+"</b > to my site!")
<p align="center&q uot;><font face="arial&quo t; size="-2"& gt;This free script provided by</font><b r><font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2"& gt;<a href="
http://javascriptkit .com">JavaSc ript Kit</a></fo nt></p>
以上是 Javascript 的人流計數器,有關出處可参看以下網址:
http://javascriptkit .com/script/script2/ counter.shtml
2006-11-26 17:29:46 補充: