the beauty and the beast

2006-11-26 3:56 am

或者..幫我將e篇野..變番做英文: 冷漠高傲的王子,因拒絕一名貌醜的老婆婆古堡借宿要求,被施咒變成一隻野獸以示懲戒,就連一眾僕人都變成各式各樣的衣櫃、茶煲、茶杯、大笨鐘、蠟燭等傢俱。從此野獸便變得暴燥孤僻,不喜與人接觸,唯一解除魔咒方法就是要野獸學會真心待人。村莊內有一位漂亮善良的姑娘貝兒,為救父親被逼與野獸同居於古堡中,但因二人性格不合,故經常發生齟齬。某次,野獸拼命從狼群中救回貝兒,貝兒並沒有肆機逃跑,反而與野獸彼此間得到瞭解,野獸漸漸亦變得溫柔,二人更冰釋前嫌互相體諒。怎知城中大壞蛋柏加斯為人自以為是,前來襲擊野獸,令其身受重傷,性命危在旦夕,最後

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2006-11-26 4:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Beauty's father, caught in a storm, finds shelter in the Beast's palace. As he leaves, he plucks a rose to bring back to Beauty, offending his unseen host, who denouncing him as a thief, tells him he must now die. The father begs to be allowed to see his daughters again: the Beast says that if one of the man's daughters will return to suffer in his place, he may live. Beauty journeys to the Beast's castle convinced she will be killed, but instead she is made mistress of the enchanted palace, and the Beast asks her to be his wife. She says she can be his friend, and will stay with him forever, but not as his wife, asking only to return to her home for a week to say farewell to her father. Her sisters entice her to stay beyond the allotted week, and she returns belatedly to the castle, finding the Beast lying near death from distress at her failure to return. She begs him to live, so that he may be her husband, and by this act the Beast is transformed into a handsome prince. After Beauty returns to the palace, her family comes to live with her

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