
2006-11-26 2:00 am
How to find father lawrence ?

where can find Apothecary?


where i can find cadava berries


where julite

回答 (1)

2006-11-26 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Father Lawrence:
If you go to wilderness from Varrock, there will be a church/altar on your way, the church is kind of big. Father Lawrence is inside.

He is in a small hut with a chemical sign just a big west of the Varrock Sword Shop, South of Varrock.

She is on a mansion which is a bit west of Varrock West Bank, she is on the second floor.

2006-11-26 11:14:06 補充:
Cadava berries:You can kill imps for them, imps will drop cadava berries, but of course it is a very stupid way to do it. You can get cadava berries on the floor beside a mine site which is south of varrock (There are Tin rocks, Copper rocks, and ONLY 3 Iron rocks).
參考: my self.

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