
2006-11-25 11:42 pm
Back but my computer broke down yesterday. I therefore decide to write you a letter instead and include some photos.
I was in America at the moment with my mum. Yesterday we went to New York. My mum and I visited a big shopping centre. The shopping centre is called Centre Point. It has lots of The shopping centre is called Centre Point. It has lots of Clothes shops and big department stores. We buy lots of Clothes and shoes. Are you jealous?

回答 (2)

2006-11-26 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
The shopping centre is called Centre Point. It has lots of The shopping centre is called Centre Point. 是否重複打錯了? 你可否重新打過?特別是一開始的第一句便有問題了.


2006-11-28 16:26:48 補充:
看到你選6個錯的最佳答案, 原來兩分鐘前應該用 come 的過去式 came 但是卻用了 come 而可成最佳答案, 就算指出那裡錯都是徒勞, 所以還是:SILENCE IS GOLDEN.
2006-11-26 1:48 pm
My computer was broken down yesterday. I therefore decided to write you a letter and include some photos.
One time, I was in America with my mother. We went to New York on that day. My mother and I visited a big shopping centre. The shopping centre was called Centre Point. It had lots of clothing shops and big departement stores. We bought lots of clothes and shoes. Are you jealous?

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