
2006-11-25 11:11 pm
Ben is a student but his father is very well off. So he always used to ______ a lot of pocket money.

A. has
B. have


回答 (12)

2006-11-26 1:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
用 used to 後面當然係 have 啦, 不過呢句句子結構有問題, 就係 used to 前面多左個 always, 變左 contradictory 矛盾句子


used to 就係 used to, 根本就係「過去」嘅習慣, 你混淆左被動式, be used to 係「被利用」, 唔係習慣

I used to ride bicycle on Sundays.

如果現在嘅習慣就唔用 used to, 因為你一直都有做架嘛
I (always) ride bicycle on Sundays.

所以你呢句應該用 always has
2006-11-26 5:31 am
參考: me
2006-11-26 2:23 am

because there is a "to"
2006-11-26 1:54 am
我覺得係 B. have:
because 前面有 to
參考: my knowledge
2006-11-26 12:29 am
I guess if you must choose between the two answers available, it'll have to be B. In this context, however, it implies that Ben used to, i.e. 從前, have a lot of pocket money, not currently.

But "used to" has other meanings, it can also mean 習慣. It can, therefore, be written as:

Ben is a student but his father is very well off. So he __is__ always used to __having__ a lot of pocketing money.
2006-11-26 12:17 am
答案是 B. have

因為不定式動詞格式是 to + 動詞原式, 在這題來說即 to have .

整句意思: Ben 是一個學生, 但他的父親很富裕, 因此他總是有許多零用錢.
2006-11-26 12:04 am
B, Because use baseforem after to.

2006-11-25 16:05:56 補充:
baseforem = Base form我打錯字
2006-11-25 11:52 pm
Answer: B

be used to和 used to的用法
be used to用法 主詞 + be used to + 動名詞 (習慣於~~)
used to 用法 主詞 + used to + 動詞原形 (過去常常~~)

Used to ,Be Used , To Was Used To 解作習慣
Used to =之前的習慣,現在沒有了
eg. I used to smoke. 以前抽煙, 現在沒有了
used to+ 最簡單式(simple present)

Be used to=以前的習慣,但現在仍然有
eg. I am used to smoking. 以前抽煙, 但現在仍有抽煙
be used to+ 動名詞(gerund) {verb+ing}

Was Used To=在一個時間,以前的習慣,現在沒有了
eg. I was used to smoking in 1996-2000. 在1996-2000年有抽煙
was used to+ 動名詞(gerund) {verb+ing}


請投我一票啦~ ^^
2006-11-25 11:21 pm
B. have

It is because you do not need to worry about the 第三身單數 after "to", and there is no tense after "to". Therefore, you can just use "have" which is the original word of have.

"He is going to have lunch",
but you will not say "He is going to has lunch", right???
參考: I am a American born Chinese, so you do not need to worry that this answer is wrong.
2006-11-25 11:15 pm

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