
2006-11-25 10:34 pm
After adjusting for inflation,the average wage rate in HK fell 0.7 percent in June,compared with a year earlier,the Census and Statistics Department said.

it was copy from a newspaper.
Can I change to:

After adjusting for inflation,the average wage rate in HK fell 0.7 percent in June,(comparing) with a year earlier,the Census and Statistics Department said.

are they different mean of two sentences?

回答 (4)

2006-11-25 10:59 pm
After adjusting for inflation, the average wage rate in HK fell 0.7 percent in June, compared with a year earlier, the Census and Statistics Department said.

It was copy from a newspaper.
Can I change to:

After adjusting for inflation, the average wage rate in HK fell 0.7 percent in June, (comparing) with a year earlier, the Census and Statistics Department said.

Are they different mean of two sentences?
2006-11-25 10:47 pm
After adjusting for inflation,the average wage rate in HK fell 0.7 percent in June,(comparing) with a year earlier,the Census and Statistics Department said


After adjusting for inflation,the average wage rate in HK fell 0.7 percent in June,(comparing) with a year earlier,the Census and Statistics Department (says).
2006-11-25 10:43 pm
冇唔同 , 一樣 ge .........
只係個 ( compare ) 的 part of speech 唔同 , 兩個paragraghs 都係一樣 meaning ..........
2006-11-25 10:39 pm
the same~~

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