Percentage question25

2006-11-25 10:11 pm
A food manufacturer produces a cookie with the cost of the main ingredients as follows:
Egg……………….$0.10 Flour……………...$0.08 Butter……………..$0.12
If the cost of egg increases by 26%, that of flour decreases by 10% and that of butter increases by 35%, find the new total cost of the main ingredients for producing a box of 40 cookies.

回答 (1)

2006-11-25 11:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
new cost of the main ingredients
 egg increases by 26%
 0.10 * (1 + 26%) = 0.126
 flour decreases by 10%
 0.08 * (1 - 10%) = 0.072
 butter increases by 35%
 0.12 * (1 + 35%) = 0.162
new total cost of 40 cookies
(0.126 + 0.072 + 0.162) * 40
= 0.36 * 40
= 14.4

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