
2006-11-25 8:19 pm

大約收幾多分 al , ce ????
non- jupas???

回答 (2)

2006-11-25 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
as I know that in Open U, they have two study mode, one is full time and another is part time~

if you want to study in part time, the only entry requirement is age above 17, if you want to study in full time, you can through jupas and non-jupas, it is the first time for open u to join jupas, so not have any past record for reference, but if you throught non-jupas, their entry requirement is

- 副學士先修課程**,適合報讀的人士包括:已完成“毅進課程”,或在香港中學會考取得至少5科 E級(包括中文和英文)或以上,或年滿21歲。
- 已完成中六/中七課程或副學士先修課程(或同等程度)的人士,可報讀一年級。
- 持有任何範疇的副學士學位或高級文憑(或同等學歷)的人士,可報讀二年級*。
- 持有相關範疇的副學士學位或高級文憑(或同等學歷)的人士,可報讀三年級*。


Shue Yan college have two academic program - degree and honour diploma, the entry requirement of degree is pass CL and C and UE plus one AL, honour diploma only need you finish F.7, pass one to two AL and 5 pass in CE~ pay attention, the entry requirement of some courses in Shue Yan college is not so low, such as journalism, chinese and literature and so on~

2006-11-25 9:33 pm
公大就唔係太知. 如果你係經JUPAS報, 基本要求係2AL, 再加中化同UE合格. 因為今年係公大第一年加入聯招, 所以收生成績係暫時無法知道. non-jupas就唔知. 公大non-jupas報名方法就係先上網下載表格, 然後將表格同有關文件交去公大.

- 中化、UE及最少一科AL合格. (UE唔合格都可以報, 但係你其他科要考得ok, 同埋你下一年一定要retake合格, 否則唔比升Year 2.)
- 會考6科合格, 包括中英文.

樹仁因為無加入聯招, 所以一定係經non-jupas報名. 樹仁有以下兩種方法報名:
- 校長推薦 (會係AL放榜前報名同面試, 校方話收你之後, 到時你證明番你合乎資格就得.)
- walk-in (校方會係AL放榜當日接受報名. 你需攜同學歷證明文件、證件相、身分證親自到學校報名, 及安排面試時間.)

至於收生成績方面, 每個學系會要求唔同, 但係如果你3E去報既話會係幾危險. 新聞系對語文要求高D, 隨時可能要你兩科語文D或者1C1D, 而且只係得一科AL合格係會比較危險. 工管因為收得多人(今年收290人), 所以你成績D, E都得, 會計都係(今年收160人). 我自己就係會計系讀緊, 而我成績就係2AL: C, D 3AS: C, E, E. 其他就唔係太清楚.

無論如何, 如果你想入樹仁讀, 最好早D報名同埋AL考好少少, 以及面試表現要好. 你愈遲報名, 愈大機會入waiting list

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