我想問如果講一個人對某一樣物件既癡迷, 英文應該點形容?

2006-11-25 6:09 pm
我想問如果講一個人對某一樣物件既癡迷, 英文既形容詞係乜野?
例如話人係鞋癡, 衫癡咁....

回答 (7)

2006-11-25 6:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
用fans就可以,如足球迷是football fans
但有另外一個字,我想也是很好的,它就是”fancier”,它的解釋是”受好者”(person with special knowledge of and love for some article, animal, etc.)

如 a dog fancier (玩賞狗之人,可譯狗癡);a rose fancier(玩賞玫瑰的人,可譯玫瑰癡)
2006-11-25 10:24 pm

釋義 同義字

1. 著迷的,癡迷的;狂喜的;銷魂的
He was given a rapturous welcome in his home town.
2006-11-25 9:33 pm
-oholic / -aholic
(noun/ adjective)

shopaholic 購物狂
alcoholic 飲酒狂
workaholic 工作狂
negaholic 情緒低落狂
chocoholic -朱古力痴/ 狂
Peaceoholic 和平狂
adopt-holic 領養狂

都可以用 addicted/ crazy for/ crazy about/ crazy over/ obsessed 既。
she's addicted to shopping / she's addicted to preace
she's crazy about shoes / she's crazy about negativity
she's crazy for shoes / she's crazy for peace
she's crazy over shoes / she's crazy over adoption
she's obsessed with shoes / she's obsessed with chocolate
2006-11-25 7:31 pm
I think the word you need here should be - obsessed. The word "addicted" is usually used when assosiating with habits such as drink or may be drug problems. There are different terms for each obsessions. The website below should help you.

2006-11-25 6:50 pm
addicted to

eg, she's addicted to cool shoes.
He's addicted to computer games.
2006-11-25 6:21 pm
fetishism (戀物癖)

crazy in shoes / clothes
2006-11-25 6:18 pm
Crazy about Shoes/ Clothes

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