what is matution?(bio)20points

2006-11-25 5:14 pm
what is matution?(唔知有冇串錯字?)不過差唔多~

回答 (3)

2006-11-26 2:34 pm
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ok, two different explainations depends on the spelling.

Maturation: it is a process used during development of any living species. It is a muti-steps process starts from the point they are 'born' (e.g. in animal, fertalization, in plant, cell replication). It allows newly formed cell to become mature to carry on their function, like stem cells in embryo will delvelop into different kinds of cells. I don't know which specific maturation you want to know, so can't go on into details.

Mutation: It happens during DNA or RNA replication. When DNA starts copying itself, sometimes it might make mistakes like putting A as G or G to C, sometimes might even delet or put an extra codon, that is not complementary to the original template. As the DNA starnd is the template for protein synthesis (transcription and translation), incorrect codon results in formation of a different protein, eventually change the biological function. Mutation can happen naturally or by a outer force like change of cellular condition, existence of radiation or toxic substances. A cellular machinery calls proof-reading is used to read through the replicated DNA to see if there is any mis-match or incorrect codon to prevent passing mutated genetic infomation to daughter cells.
2006-11-25 5:33 pm
i think it should be spell as mutation
it is a process also which produces mutation
it is a relatively permanent change in hereditary material involving either a physical change in chromosome relations or
a biochemical change in the codons that make up genes;
2006-11-25 5:29 pm
我想你應該係指maturation,maturation是指1.成熟 2. 化膿 3.生殖細胞之形成

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