
2006-11-25 9:57 am
而家有好多plasma tv話播到高清畫面,
thank you!!^^

回答 (3)

2006-11-25 8:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
高清電視 (HDTV),是形容一部電視有超高的解像度。
而 1080i 就是它的解像度;這大約是 1920 x 1080。
H264 則是數碼格式的代號。
2006-11-26 5:59 am
High Definition is taling about the resolution of picture reproduction. True HD should be 1920 x 1080 resolution. 1080 is the horizontral lines that a TV panel can produce. i is interlace, meaning that it can only use 540 to produce picture in a flip, and then another 540 to produce picture in the next flip. However, there are many TVs claimed that they support HD, which include 1366 x 768, 12xx x 1080. What they do is to compress the 1920 x 1080 signal to their TV resolutions.
2006-11-26 1:38 am
高清其實係一個名黎、點先叫高清? 傘話你所講既1080i 、、1080i =係個線素黎 (之後的數碼电視到係1080)
普通DVD机就係480線 out 你唸下DVD out 480線到咁靚 、如果線素再密一倍有幾靚、、
現時市面到有1080i 既DVD 不過果D只係部DVD机本身張480線幫你提升到1080
HDTV 既意思係部电視可以對應到1080i 、、其實日本 本地D电視8、9年前以經可以對應(以我所知、、其實應該重耐) hk Lee 2、3年先講、、
唔知你有冇睇日本D 3丶4仔 係米覺得好清、、 因為日本仔係用高清錄制、所以靚過hk 果D
(而家有好多plasma tv話播到高清畫面)、、傘話部机可以對應1080i 既訊號 弟時可以用到數碼电視

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