Is University of Ireland, Dublin good?

2006-11-25 8:55 am
I want to take a bachelor course in UCD (part-time), please advise whether it is a good school?

I aware that the school ranking for UCD is even better than HKU Space according to The Economist 2006... why UCD is not famous in HK??


Thanks Feddy for your information! I am going to take a Bachelor course of Management in the National University of Ireland, Dublin and will study in HK. Just wondering whether it is a good school and recognise in HK.... I'd like to complete the course in 1.5 years so it meets my requirement...

回答 (2)

2006-11-25 10:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
我o係Ireland讀, 所以我可以答你.


UCD係愛爾蘭國立大學之首. 文憑係國際承認.
雖然UCD無上times果個ranking. 但係佢o係歐洲都有一定既知名度.
UCD商科o係愛爾蘭黎講算係數一數二. 高考成績最top果20%左右先入到.

不過, UCD o係香港當然唔出名. 大部份人連愛爾蘭都唔知o係邊.
參考: 愛爾蘭留學生.
2006-12-05 2:11 pm
I am in Ireland too! (Northern Ireland...) UCD is the top but no one in HK knows where Ireland is...

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