'No good.' is this sentence correct?

2006-11-25 8:50 am
Is "No Good" an English that in Chinese style?
Would foreigner say this term?

回答 (6)

2006-11-25 8:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為"no "後面要跟個noun
eg: I have no money.
所以應該話"not good "
adj前面要跟"not "~
eg: I am not good enough.
2006-11-25 10:17 pm
No good (no-good) is not in Chinese style, it is what it is.

it is an adjective / noun
adjective: lacking worth or merit; useless; bad
noun: a person or thing that is worthless or undependable.

It's no good arguing with them.
This no-good faucet never did work properly.
Her no-good brother sold me the car.
He's up to something no-good.
The check was no good.
That teacher is no good.

I think many people, not just foreigners, would use it because it's simple and easy.
2006-11-25 12:54 pm
*No good* is definite an english term, however, it will rarely be used in formal writing (pls note: I am only saying *rarely*, not never!).

For a foreigner, this term *no good* would be used quite often in spoken english as opposed to written english since the term *no good* is considered to be more casual (i.e. less formal).

Using a similar eample given above:
One would say - *you know its really no good for you to smoke that much!!*
but one might write - *excessive smoking is not good for your health!* or *Its not good for your health to smoke that much*

Say for myself, I have never used *no good* in any formal essay I have written when I was doing my studies or even now for my work! But I do say *no good* when I speak to my friends.
2006-11-25 9:07 am
我記得no good是對的...
no good和not good應該是不同意思的。

(不信可以到yahoo dictionary查看)

例句1:It is no good for your health
例句2:It is not good for your health

2006-11-25 9:04 am
[ No Good ] is proper English.

Would foreigners say this term?

More examples :
This map is no good --it`s out of date.
I`m no good at physics.

hope it might help.
2006-11-25 9:01 am
not good = 不好

no good 可以解沒有好處

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