PHILIP GLASS 有咩代表作? 佢配既電影邊套好睇?

2006-11-25 7:20 am
我想揾簡約主義的歌,PHILIP GLASS 有咩代表作? 佢配既電影邊套好睇?



但係佢d近期作品好似冇以前咁有震撼力?係咪真架? 咁以前佢有咩代表作?

回答 (2)

2006-11-26 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

如果要聽Philp Glass既music,比較有代表性既會係Music in 12 Parts同埋strung out,如果係佢配既電影,就一定唔可以唔提佢幫The hours(中譯此時此刻,Nicole Kidman主演)做既配樂,因為有金像奬提名
,而另一套五六十黑白片la Belle et la bete(中譯美女與野獸)早一兩年亦響葵涌劇院現場live配樂(Glass本人都來左香港!)...除左比較出名既,都有一個係比較冷門但係有趣,就係為Errol Morris所導既Brief history of time(中譯時間簡史)做既配樂,因為套片係唔係講科學理論而係講Stephen Hawkin呢位物理學家既生平既!
另外,如果作為入門覺得Philp Glass都係太難頂,可以聽下Satie,佢都係一位minimalism既作曲家,好似寫個一隻歌要奏足一日先奏完,d樂團樂手要輪流去廁所!
2006-11-29 12:47 am
I will second all the recommendations of Mr. Li above (and the movie he meant to say in the second paragraph is "The Hours). I also like The Truman Show (1998, starring Jim Carey).
Mad Rush and Metamorphorsis (a collection of five pieces) are good. I have performer Mad Rush and one of the Metamorphorsis and the effect was stunning. For a more sentimental piece, Wichita Sutra Vortex is good too. I have always enjoyed the sound track of Koyaanisqatsi. Kundun (a movie about Dalai Lama, pronouced "kun-tin") is a cool movie to watch and the sound track is nice too.

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