m 是mailing cash.

2006-11-25 6:18 am
m 是mailing cash?_?

What is mailing cash?_?

回答 (2)

2006-11-26 12:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
你是否在 E BAY 或拍賣網站見到?好簡單,mailing cash 是寄現金,即是把銀紙放在信封中寄去。乜有人咁做咩?

A similar policy applies to mailing cash as a payment option. Certain non-U.S. branches of eBay allow sellers to advertise wire transfers or mailed cash as payment options, provided such methods are not the only payment options the seller accepts.[21][22]


2006-12-06 10:52:28 補充:
2006-11-25 7:21 am
for economic world:
M is money

for sex education
M mean period.

i dont know which u referring

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