Please, correct my sentence

2006-11-25 6:11 am
they confirmed that it was a false alarm, but they said that there was some innvative work next to block, which may have been effected on the shop alarm system, and that the work will continu in night.

回答 (2)

2006-11-25 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
原本︰they confirmed that it was a false alarm,
更改後︰They confirmed that it was a false alarm,

「innvative」是一個錯字,所以我並不知道你是在說甚麼,只好從你的前一句句子中推敲,還有,「block」是一個名詞,前面要加上量詞呢 ﹗
原本︰but they said that there was some innvative work next to block,
更改後︰but they said that there was some construction work next to the block,

至於在這一句句子裏面,用 possibly 應該好過用 may ,原因是 possibly 的意思比 may 更加不肯定,正好配合了這一句句子含有推測的成分,此外,night 的 preposition 錯咗,應該是 at ,因為在英文之中已經規定了,沒有甚麼原因可以解釋得到。
原本︰which may have been effected on the shop alarm system, and that the work will continu in night.
更改後︰which have been effected on the shop alarm system possibly, and that the work will be continued at night.

*備註︰以上的句子還可以寫得更好,例如用少一些「that」和「which」,文章會比較順暢一些呢 !

2006-11-24 23:22:04 補充:
唔好意思~ 再補充一點︰在最尾一句的「have」,應該是「has」,因為 construction work 是第三身單數。希望可以幫到你﹗
2006-11-25 6:32 am
They confirmed that it was just a false alarm. However, they explained that as there was construction work nearby, possibly to continue during night time, the alarm system of the shop may be affected.

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