Buy PPC/PDA/Smartphone....or others for download skype

2006-11-25 6:02 am
Can someone give advise and explain which one I should buy for the purpose of access to internet and download skype software, in which can chat through skype (or if need to talk also), i.e. which one recommend for chat purpose only and which one for both chat and talk.


回答 (1)

2006-11-25 5:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
新 skype for ppc 既要求高左, 要使用 Skype,您需要一台具備至少 400Mhz 處理器的 Pocket PC, 想話音係 delay, 最好係用 wi-fi 或 3G.

最重要係睇你 BUDGET

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