
2006-11-25 5:25 am


回答 (2)

2006-11-25 8:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
From the picture, it looks like your server network card is connected directly to a DSL modem for Internet connection which use PPoE. Depend on if PCCW provide you with business class Internet service (static IP) or consume class Internet service (dynamic IP address)

If it's static IP address, you'll need to contact PCCW and ask them to provide you a different static IP address.

If it's synamic IP address, then simply reboot server or disable/enable network card should trigger a new IP address is the lease have not expired.

Either way, there's no way you can change it to any address you like.
The only way is to user a router to connect to DSL modem for Internet, then you use any IP address available inside your private network.
2006-11-25 5:31 am
thank you very much

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