F.4 Biology

2006-11-25 2:49 am
我想問怎樣分有機物質(organic substance)和冇機物質(inorganic substance)?


為什麼說有carbon bond是organic substance?

回答 (4)

2006-11-25 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
organic substance is carbon containing compound , some of them may also contain hydrogen ,oxygen,nitrogen,halogen or sulphur beside carbon.
e.g . carbohydrates , fats, proteins and nucleic acid in organism . However, inorganic substance is not a carbon containing compound, e.g mineral and water in organism .

2006-11-24 19:04:25 補充:
there are some exceptional case :carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,carbonates and hydrogencarbonates even contain carbon , but they are not regard as organic compound but inorganic.
2006-11-26 9:45 am
An organic substance is a substance which has carbon and hydrogen in it, if it has the highest possible number of hydrogen for the given number of carbon, it is called a saturated organic compound.
An inorganic substance could have either carbon or hydrogen in it but not both.
2006-11-25 8:53 am
2006-11-25 2:58 am

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