
2006-11-25 2:29 am
Without using a calculator,calculate the following expressions

(6!)^2/(4!)^2 + 6!=?

回答 (3)

2006-11-25 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
(6!)^2/(4!)^2 + 6!
=4!(4!x6x5x6x5)/(4!)(4!+6x5) -take 4! be the common factor
=4!x6x5x6x5/(4!+6x5) -divide both side by 4!
參考: myself
2006-11-25 3:14 am
(6!)^2/(4!)^2 + 6!
=(6!/4!)^2 + 6!
=(6*5*4!/4!)^2 + 6!
=(5*6)^2 + 5*6*4!
=5*6(5*6 + 4!)
=30(30 + 24)
2006-11-25 2:40 am
(6!)^2/(4!)^2 + 6!
=(6*5*4*3*2*1)^2/(4*3*2*1)^2 + 6!
=(6*5)^2 + 6!
=30*30 + 6*5*4*3*2*1
=30*30 + 30*24
=900 + 720

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