英文發音 HELPP^^

2006-11-25 1:52 am
想問點樣可以令自己既發音似UK accent / 美式accent 啊???

聽英文歌得唔得架??cuz 我本身都中意聽~~

仲有呢,,有無d網站係有 地道英語學ga???

finally,, 想問 [ thingy] 既meaning~~~

thanks =]

回答 (1)

2006-11-25 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
I live in HK where people speak mostly in a American accent but I study in the UK where, obviously, people speak in a British accent. If you want to speak in a US accent, make your As and E's flatter and longer and the other way round for the UK accent.

Listening to songs is not the best things to do but is still worth doing.


Thingy can mean the sexual organ of a male or basiclly, just a thing, depends on what the conversation is.

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