
2006-11-24 10:51 pm
1.)The bank launched an advertising campaign to lure back its traditional customers.
2.)The bank launched an advertising campaign to lure back traditional customers.

two sentences are difficent.
No.1 is copy from dictionary
No.2 is created by me which may be wrong.

I wankt to ask if No.2 is correct,what difficent mean between both sentences.

回答 (2)

2006-11-25 12:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, I ' d like to correct your sentences first:

>>two sentences are (difficent.)>> different

>>No.1 is copy from (dictionary)>> a dictionary

>>I (wankt) to ask if No.2 is correct,what (difficent mean) between(both) sentences(.)>>

I (want) to ask if No.2 is correct, what (are the differences) between ( the two ) sentences?

Back to your questions, both NO. 1 and NO. 2 are correct. The difference is between < its traditional customers> and < traditional customers>.

its traditional customers = it old customers who are traditional, the others are untraditional, i.e., the bank has two kinds of customers, traditional and untradtional. The traditional ones are gone, and the bank is trying to lure them back.

traditional customers = all traditional customers, including those that are customers of other banks. The bank is trying to lure back all traditional customers, including their own and those of other banks as well.

2006-11-27 17:55:44 補充:
睇漏眼,仲有 No.1 is (copy) from (dictionary) copied from a dictionary
2006-11-24 10:59 pm
the first sentence has specified the bank's traditional customers

the second one is just saying traditional customers, but whose traditional customers??or what kind of traditional customers????

in grammar, both are fine, but its kinda unclear for the second one

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