
2006-11-24 8:26 pm
當你說完或寫完一句句子後,怎樣可以好像數學方式驗算你句句子是用正確文法,如he she it 要加s或es, 過去發生既時情要用過去式表達!!!除了這兩樣外,還要驗算什麼???

回答 (3)

2006-11-24 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you may check the following:
1. tense
2. articles
3. agreement (e.g. subject-verb agreement, plural)
4. prepositions
5. spelling
6. meaning (i.e. whether the sentences really make sense)
2006-11-24 10:28 pm
當然還有適當的詞語, 標點符號, 當然也是你的經驗咯。。
喔建議 你在網上找很多練習。。看一些很通常的文章,你就會從中有所收穫的。。
2006-11-24 8:56 pm
Read more, listen more, write more and speak more are the best ways to learn any foreign languages.

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