Economics Question

2006-11-24 7:37 pm
Please give the reasons for banks can affect the money supply if the required reserve ratio is less than 100%.

回答 (3)

2006-11-25 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if banks reduse the reserve ratio ,banks can make more loads,credit creation can be processed throuh the banking multiplier(reserve ratio 100% do not have any credit creation)so,depost can increase through the banking mulitipier,money supply is combimed with cash held by non-bank sector and deposit.
Therefore,deposit increase and the money supply increase!
2006-11-27 11:56 pm
Money multiplier (Creation) = Money / Required reserve ratio

Eg. Now there is $10,000 and the required reserve ratio is 40%. A deposit this money to bank, and bank can save $4,000 ($10,000 * 40%) for required reserve and lend out the rest $6,000 to B. Then B get it and spend to C. C deposit it to bank, and bank can save $2,400 ($6,000 * 40%) for required reserve and lend out the rest $3,600 to D. D will then......, everlasting until the end. There will be totally $10,000 cash at bank, $25,000 deposit and $15,000 loan to outsiders. The $15,000 is created by the REQUIRED RESERVE RATIO, which is the increase in money supply.

If the required reserve ratio is set to 100%, that mean bank cannot lend it out. So we can conclude that banks can control and affect the money supply if the required reserve ratio is less than 100%.
2006-11-25 1:41 am
required reserve ratio is reduced;
discount rate is reduced;
the government buy the bonds from the open market;
the government issue more notes or coins

these four factor will increase money supply (Ms)
參考: 自己學

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:23:59
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