
2006-11-24 7:00 pm

回答 (3)

2006-11-24 8:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
紅酒最緊要係識溝, 我列幾種方法出黎先:

第一, 因為係要同牛扒一齊咁先好味, 所以你可以用 少量冧酒, 半安士就足夠, 慢慢落, 唔好搞拌. 咁d冧酒就會係中間度浮下浮下

第二招, 白蘭地, 牌子我介紹chivalry orange brandy, 1安士, 要攪拌. 唔需要太在意紅酒份量, 大半杯即可

第三招, 當佢martini 咁溝, 雖然會好怪, 但奇就奇在真係好好飲. d酒好似停留係食道個度, 記得gin 唔好落得太多

就住飲呀, 老友
參考: 過氣調酒司
2006-11-24 7:21 pm
2006-11-24 7:13 pm

Cabernet Cobbler recipe

4 oz chilled Cabernet Sauvignon red wine
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp superfine sugar
2 oz chilled soda water

Dissolve the sugar in the lemon juice and the water in a large wine glass. Add cracked ice and pour the Cabernet Sauvignon wine. Stir gently. Garnish with an orange slice, and serve.

7% (14 proof)
Serve in: White Wine Glass


Wine Lemonade

Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
1/2 oz. Sugar syrup
5 oz.Wine (drinker's preference)
Club Soda
Lemon Slice
Dissolve syrup in lemon juice in a collins glass. Fill with wine and club soda. Garnish with lemon slice.

Ref: http://www.mixed-drink.com/Wine/winelemonade.html

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