"Make a Difference" 點解?

2006-11-24 5:53 pm
"Make a Difference" 點解?? 點解同祈禱有關??

回答 (5)

2006-11-24 8:28 pm
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"Make a Difference" 點解??
意思是 用。。什麽。。改變什麽。。。

至於這個問題,其實我認爲應該是你的朋友或者教會的朋友跟你說的,意思是會儅你聼完某人的説辭後, 覺得對你的某种觀念各思維有所變化時, 你是否覺得自己有所不同了。所以用。make a difference。

還有就是,儅您祈禱完,你的信心和心靈得到一種安逸的感覺都會被稱爲/make a differece/只要你的感覺得到安定並不是和以前一樣, 都會是叫做/make a dirrerece'

wish it helps u la ^^%
2006-11-25 10:56 am
i know what it means but i'm not very good at explaining things but i'll try.... =]

usually ppl would say "to make a difference to the wrold". like u can make it changes, in a good way. eg: i donate the money to the charity because i wanna make a difference. (u donate the money to the charity so u can help ppl who r in need. in this way u r making a difference----cos' u help ppl out!) do u know what i mean??

and when u pray, god will listen to u and by praying for other ppl, u can make a difference! its kind of like helping them out!

i hope this will help!!
2006-11-24 9:39 pm
make a difference: introduce changes into something or somebody.

2006-11-24 13:40:42 補充:
2006-11-24 6:18 pm
Make a difference 解 to have an effect on somebody or something, 有作用,有關係,影響

點解同祈禱有關?我諗因為你禱告多,咁可以有機會make a difference =p
2006-11-24 6:16 pm
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