why in thanksgiving day people eat 火雞?

2006-11-24 2:02 pm
why in thanksgiving day people eat 火雞?

回答 (2)

2006-11-24 2:19 pm
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聽講: 當年英國有一班清教徒(變成第1班美國人)由英國坐"5月花號"去到"費城"呢塊新地方,當時個度乜都冇, 唯有靠種稙物先生存到..所以之後個年佢地就感謝神嘅帶領&保守,就地取材捉咗隻火雞黎感謝神。自此之後就年年有感恩節。
參考: 我阿媽阿爸
2006-11-24 2:25 pm
In 1621 when the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians celebrated the first Thanksgiving, they were gobbling up many more foods than just turkey. Since lobster, goose, duck, seal, eel, and cod were plentiful during this time, these foods were most likely the main courses of this first feast. Deer meat and wild fowl are the only two items that historians know for sure were menu of this autumn celebration.

So how did the turkey become the main mascot of modern-day Thanksgiving if we don't know for certain that turkeys were at this first feast?

One story tells of how Queen Elizabeth of 16th century England was chowing down on roast goose during a harvest festival. When news was delivered to her that the Spanish Armada had sunk on it way to attack her beloved England, the queen was so pleased that she order a second goose to celebrate the great news. Thus, the goose became the favorite bird at harvest time in England. When the Pilgrims arrived in America from England, roasted turkey replaced roasted goose as the main cuisine because wild turkeys were more abundant and easier to find than geese.


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