
2006-11-24 11:00 am
其實自己好想買MINI cooper既棍波車..但係怕會刮花..

回答 (7)

2006-11-25 4:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
日本車首選toyota~ 耐用, 維修平~
toyota echo 幾好丫 30k-40k
其實你預幾多錢?? 20k 就買Corolla~

MINI cooper 好貴喎~ 而且真係買個款
參考: 我自己渣Echo
2006-11-26 8:55 pm
Tel: 92062025
2006-11-25 7:38 pm
個人其實唔同意女仔要楂駛車....新排無分男女架!我楂camry V6.

二手車有好多選擇,其他朋友講既corolla都唔錯, 1300cc果款, 唔會快得去邊(相對),大眾化, high花都唔赤咁啦...不過車身一定唔係好硬,比較腍.點講都好,新牌都係要小心.

我推介另一款:Subaru R2.係新款黎.上星期剛試過車,唔錯,以楂開大車既我黎講都覺得佢既空間幾好. d野既實際,當然唔豪華啦.但係由於車身比較高,視野清楚d. 又有另外一個賣點,佢只得660cc,真係想飛都飛唔起!岩晒身牌仔!~ 所以就算車身高都無所謂,反而係大車係你執邊就要小心佢地d氣流...全車坐4個人,所以後座肯定肯定闊過echo仔.

缺點係嘈:用料一定薄d(660cc), 試果日落大雨,講野都要大聲d.引擎聲入晒車廂, 真係有好有唔好.車價$83700, 有parking sensor(optional). 但係應該未有二手住,因為係新出既.

希望幫到你. 網址係subaru.com.hk.
參考: my exp.
2006-11-25 6:41 pm
新手最好買住d平車先,儲好一定既路面經驗同駕駛技術先買貴d、性能高d既車。如果選咩驅動模式既話,新手最好選前輪驅動既車(FF)、因為FF車冇甘易甩尾(響正常路面環境下)亦可以訓練倒個馱同個前輪既微妙感覺同關系,但係響惡劣路面環境就會變得難開。個人唔建議新手開4輪驅動(4WD),雖然同FF車一樣冇甘易甩尾重響惡劣天氣、路面安全D TIM,但相對地4WD既車對油門同馱盤好敏感、亦好食油。前置引擎後輪驅動(FR)係宜家一般較流行既驅動模式,由於引擎響前面重心既問題會容易甩尾。後置引擎後輪驅動(MR)一般係貴價車)加速能力係最高,亦都係甩尾高危一族既驅動模式之一。

4輪驅動(4WD)/AWD例子:開始流行既模式,例如mitsubishi lancer evolution


如果想慳油最好就買日本車,雖然慳油得尼既代價係易撞毀。暫時最慳油既係本田accord同civic。我建議開honda civic,加上係FF車又慳油。
參考: 我自己
2006-11-25 7:39 am
2006-11-24 11:02 pm
I think you are talking BMW MINI Cooper, not the old one.
I also suggest you don't buy this as it is very easy for a new driver to get the car scrated. It is very often.

Some new drivers will think of small car like k-car. However, please put in mind that when you start by a small car, you will be painful in getting up big car later and the most important one, like k-car. The crash test of k-car is usually bad, that could be very dangerous for new drivers. I don't see new driver don't have their car scatched or even crashed for the first year. Be very carefully.

Usually people start driving at toyota corolla, Honda civic, Nissan sunny. They all are very good as a start. That's because they are most popular and not need knowledgeable understanding on car maintenance. Among them, I will suggest Nissan Sunny because it is the most cheapest in price. That doesn't mean Sunny is bad among two others, that's just because of the brand, traditional image, etc. As Nissn Sunny is the most cheapest, you can buy a newer car which could imply lesser problem, headache on maintenace.

From my experience, new drivers get driving everyday in six months can get a reliable driving skill relatively. In fact, I also change to another car after six months drive since I got liscence.

For website, you can check www.28car.com and www.car8.com
Many private sale.
2006-11-24 11:46 am
corolla would be a good choose because it can safe more fuel than other kind of car.It is also very cheap too.
參考: my experience

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