久石讓的風格,什麼是chance music?

2006-11-24 9:03 am
久石讓本名藤澤守(Mamoru Fujisawa),1950年12月6日生於日本長野縣,4歲隨著名音樂教育家鈴木慎一 (即鈴木教學法的創始人) 學習小提琴,1969年入讀國立音樂大學 (Kunitachi Music College) 主修作曲,因此他的作品都有濃烈的學院派味道,且曲風廣泛,除一般大眾易於接受的調性音樂外,也具前衛的當代Minimalism及Chance Music特質。

什麼是chance music?


回答 (1)

2006-11-24 9:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Indeterminism (Chance)

Indeterministic music, also called 'aleatory music', is music based on chance. The composer's creative input to the outcome of a piece is either greatly reduced or even removed completely. 'Creative input' includes melody, harmony, instrumentation, etc... even logical arrangement. Theoretically, indeterminism is the opposite of serialism, where the composer controls every minute detail of a piece through numerical patterns.

2006-11-24 22:27:44 補充:
最出名係john cage,其實以上講既,都係實驗性音樂http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleatoric_music

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