
2006-11-24 8:49 am
一般 22-25歲既男性應該有多少積蓄?

CAN YOU GIVE MORE DETAILED examples like you and your friends, the one who gives more reasonable details can have 10 points!

施XX , how old are u?

回答 (5)

2006-11-24 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It really depends on your background and income. For example, if your income is around $10k-$12k. Then you need to know your expenditure, normally you will give to your parents 20%-30% and about 35% for normal expenses( food, transport, etc). Around 10% for insurance, then you will have around 25% for saving.

To have a good financial status, you really need to look after your spending and saving habit and control yourself. After all, you can think about to do a target saving and investment planning (for retirement, etc).

Target saving can be use for getting marry, deposit for a appartment, further study, etc. Investment planning can be a long term investment, it can use for your retirement and for your children.

The earlier your start your financial planning, the better result you will get, because of the compond interest effect. Also the planning will need to review every 2-3 years. Because your status will change every now and then, even yourself can be your own financial planner. The only problem we have are, you may not have the time to do all these.

And sometimes we need the professional ideas to improve our situation, therefore you will need a good financial planner to let you know what should you do. Every individual have different matters, it is hard to say everyone will need the same planning. But planning is a must!
2006-11-24 5:18 pm
相等於佢 3至6 個月的 開支
2006-11-24 9:30 am
好難講 ~
父母多少歲 (太老可能要$醫病)
因為有d職業要求不停進修 咪又洗一筆
2006-11-24 9:17 am


參考: 我26男
2006-11-24 9:05 am
i have over 300K, but my friend doesn't have any saving, since he got a `big wash' girl friend. it really matter with your background and income, and your expendture method.

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