
2006-11-24 8:18 am
請問 : 如果有批貨,FOB係 HONG KONG, 而目的地亦係 HONG KONG, 甘使唔使報關呢 ?

回答 (4)

2006-11-27 6:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Whenever a shipment (goods) are deliver to Hong Kong and have a commerical value of HKD1,000 or above. Then these goods must be declaraed (import declaration) within 14 days after its arrival.

I think your shipment is not sample, right? In case, it is a sample and exceed the value of HK$1000, you also have to declara.
參考: personal experience
2006-11-25 12:35 am
梗係唔駛啦...你都冇出口....這樣係叫做 local delivery....
參考: 自然囉
2006-11-25 12:16 am
如文件上沒有寫是樣辦 (SAMPLE) ,而又超過500蚊,都係需要報關。
2006-11-24 5:02 pm
無論什麼TERMS ,所有進出口貨都要報關(到港/離港14日內報關)

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