有無人知做見習導遊嘅人工係幾多ga? thx

2006-11-24 8:06 am
我想做導遊,但係有人話哩行人工低,又辛苦,有無人知做見習導遊嘅人工係幾多ga? thx

回答 (3)

2006-11-24 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 常識
2006-11-25 4:08 am

參考: 曾經係旅行社人事部工作
2006-11-24 4:15 pm
first u have to know which position u want to be
escort or guide?
escort is for outbound tour which lead tours from hk travel to another country
guide is for inbound or local tours, travel inside hong kong
they are totally different!
but both of them are also have to having training and examation to get a license
tour escort must have a escort license and renew every 3 years
tour guide also ~but is a tour guide license
about the examination u can read info from HKTB

per my exp, both of them are also very hard, and its quite low paid when u are green (ESP for escort!)
and u must know that it is a industry with seasonality
u cannot get much in low season
and nowaday people are more willing to travel by own rather than join tour (both outbound and inbound)
if u really interested in it u may try freelence during peak season, the industry need much freelence at that time~(of coz u must have license~)

about the salary...since there are not much local tours for every guide, it cost around $300 per day(from 9am to 4pm,but u have to count some delate dismission coz by transportation, so plz expect it from 9am to 6pm)
for escort. usually fulltime have to take consultant's duty too~since tours are not enough for every escort travel everyday, and counter have to operate too, so when there is no tour arrange for you, you have to stay at branch to be a travel consultant
and it is better for u to sell the tours to customer if u have been guide the tour
the salary is hard to say...some company will base on basic salary + commission, commission is depends on how many tours u got ,how many ppl per tours, how many days per tours and where your tours to go. but normally large company would promise to pay at least $5000/mth
but there are also some company would have no basic salary, they provide more commission and more tours for you but no promise

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