why itlay------------------比薩斜塔係斜ga

2006-11-24 4:36 am

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2006-11-24 4:39 am
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by wikipedia:
比薩斜塔 (義大利語: Torre pendente di Pisa 或 Torre di Pisa) 是義大利托斯卡納省比薩城大教堂的鐘樓,或鐘塔。

塔最初是作為鐘塔,垂直樹立,但是在1173年8月施工開始不久,就開始傾斜了,原設計為8層,高56公尺,興建到第三層時發現地基不均勻,最後在14世紀完工。。它位於大教堂的後面, 是奇跡廣場(Campo dei Miracoli)的第三大建築。

2006-11-24 4:58 am

於1173年開始興建. 本身設計並非是傾斜的, 但在興建途中, 至1178年建至第三層時開始出現傾斜, 原因為地基方面出問題. 及後曾暫停興建達一世紀至1272年繼續興建, 1284年再度停建. 直至1655年始完全建成.

Technical Information

Geographic coordinates: 43.7231° N 10.3964° E
Elevation of Piazza dei Miracoli: about 2 metres (6 feet, DMS)
Height: 55.863 metres (183 ft 3 in), 8 stories
Outer diameter of base: 15.484 m
Inner diameter of base: 7.368 m
Angle of Slant: 13 degrees
Weight: 14,700 tonnes
Thickness of walls at the base: 8 ft (2.4 m)
Total number of bells: 7, tuned to musical scale, clockwise
1st bell: L'assunta, cast in 1654 by Giovanni Pietro Orlandi, weight 3,620 kg (7,981 lb)
2nd bell: il Crocifisso, cast in 1572 by Vincenzo Possenti, weight 2,462 kg (5,428 lb)
3rd bell: San Ranieri, cast in 1719-1721 by Giovanni Andrea Moreni, weight 1,448 kg (3,192 lb)
4th bell: La Terza (1st small one), cast in 1473, weight 300 kg (661 lb)
5th bell: La Pasquereccia, cast in 1262 by Lotteringo, weight 1,014 kg (2,235 lb)
6th bell: il Vespruccio (2nd small one), cast in the 14th century and again in 1501 by Nicola di Jacopo, weight 1,000 kg (2,205 lb)
7th bell: Del Pozzetto, cast in 1606, weight 652 kg (1,437 lb)
Steps to bell tower: 294
參考: 維基百科
2006-11-24 4:47 am

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