
2006-11-24 1:54 am
好想幫客人做一個database, 但公司冇ms access, 唔知excel可唔可以做到呢? 有冇template可以提供? thanks!!

回答 (3)

2006-11-24 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
depends on how many records you need to put into the database and how you want to manage the database. if you need indexing fucntion, sorry excel cant be the database. If you only need sorting function and the records are less than 2000, then excel still can handle it.

I am not sure what kind of template you want, however, you can find some templates in your excel programme and you also can download some from ms office websites.
2006-11-24 2:03 am
可以但有一定的限制例如在最多項目上(No. of Observations) 就有限制,而且在Password管理上沒有MS Access 好,如果是可以增加生意的話為何不買Ms Access?
2006-11-24 1:58 am
You can!

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