
2006-11-24 1:41 am
請問各位, 如果廚房牆身唔貼磚, 改用油漆, 會有咩後果?

回答 (2)

2006-11-24 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
It will take more time to do the cleaning job. except you have a very good Rangehood, and remember to swithc on it even boiling the water only ~ coz most the people have wrong concept abt it ~ and do u see the ceiling ? also with paint only , u see any problem ? maybe your one installed aluimium ceiling already ^^ ~ ** some indoor paint has very good water proof now , as like the Nippon ~ you should see the AD on the TV all the time ! It also allow use the wet towel for cleaning ! water too , but dont put too much !
2006-11-24 1:54 am

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