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如果有一日學校唔比賣零食,咁可以當suppressed demand.
理論上If demand is unsatisfied or suppressed, it is very likely there will be significant take-back – to meet the unsatisfied demand.(But it only said very likely)
比平時買得更多零食can be explained by adaptation-level phenomenon(Social Psychology).
The adaptation-level phenomenon describes our tendency to judge various stimuli relative to what we have previously experienced. If our income or social prestige increases, we may feel initial pleasure. However, we then adapt to this new level of achievement, come to see it as normal, and require something better to give us another surge of happiness.
In your case buying 零食 is suppressed, so you feel unsatisfied. When you get the chance of buying your satisfied, but then you adapted to it and feel only buying more can satisfy you.
The theory of Individual Psychology of psychological compensation states that the stronger the feeling of inferiority, the higher the goal for personal power. So psychological compensation not rely and good explanation, through to possess something can be seen as power. But it only give you the reason why you buy when there is no restriction.
In short suppressed demand arise from 學校唔比賣零食, 當學生出到街有零食賣psychological compensation drive them to buy, and adaptation-level phenomenon made them buy more.
2006-11-25 12:04:28 補充:
名越進 answer 有問題,個現象系暫時性,Obsessional系長期,一時改變的行為點可以用長期性的理論來解釋?witherhill用TASTE 都有道理. TASTE 轉變可以由心理學解釋, 所以witherhill個論說係有explanatory and predictative power.只要解釋到現象就算天文學都照殺.
2006-11-25 12:05:00 補充: