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A partnership is a type of business entity in which partners share with each other the profits or losses of the business undertaking in which all have invested.
當幾個人走埋一齊,大家出筆錢投資以期望賺取利潤,開間新公司,呢間公司就係partnership,留意:唔係limited company form有限公司形式
2006-11-26 15:49:00 補充:
Sorry, 答錯野...合資企業(joint venture)應該係cross countries ge busines stay together to form a business,they usually in form of large scale company or a local government。例如一d政府想引入一d技術,就可以用joint venture型式去attract d 外資公司,在合作期間學晒d技術,在合作時期完左就唔駛倚賴間外資,可以自己做...廣州就試過同一間日本車公司合作個,結果就係大陸學晒佢d技術後就趕左間公司番日本...